
windows xp经典壁纸

2014年11月10日 1:06:56   阅读(1733)

Windows XP经典蓝天白云草地壁纸背后的故事

The idyllic and iconic image that served as the default background for computers running Microsoft’s Windows XP operating system wasn’t Photoshopped. The photo was taken by Charles O’Rear north of San Francisco in 1996 and will live on long after XP shuts down.

微软Windows XP 系统电脑的默认桌面背景已经成为一种标志性图片,然而这一充满田园风光特色的图片并不是PS出来的。这张照片是摄影师查尔斯·奥利尔于1996年在旧金山北部拍摄的,XP系统退休后,它将载入史册。

To mark the end of the Windows XP era —Windows stopped offering support for it on April 8 — Microsoft made a video about O'Rear and his famous snapshot.

微软在4月8日宣布停止提供Windows XP 相应的系统支持。为了标志XP时代的结束,微软公司拍摄了一个视频,讲述摄影师奥利尔和他那张著名桌面背景照片的摄影故事。

Yes, "Bliss" is a real photo. O'Rear took it using a Mamiya RZ67 camera with color Fuji Film and a tripod in Napa Valley, north of San Francisco, in 1996.


He later sold the image Corbis, which was actually started by Bill Gates, to be used as stock art, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.


It then caught the eye of Microsoft.


Carriers wouldn't accept the liability of transporting the original photograph because of the undisclosed value Microsoft put on it, so the company eventually sent O'Rear a plane ticket so he could deliver it in person.


"I had no idea where it was going to go," he said.


In the clip, O'Rear shares that a group of Microsoft engineers had a bet going about where the photograph was taken and whether it was Photoshopped (he says it wasn't).


He also talks about seeing the image everywhere from the White House to the Kremlin.


"Anybody now from age 15 on for the rest of their life will remember this photograph," he said.


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