导读:美国版不老美魔女:Christie Brinkley 60岁的黄金时代60岁,在大家心目中是什么概念?老太婆吧!但是,当你看到刚满60岁的克里斯蒂·布林克利(christie brinkley)时,你好意思叫人家老太婆吗? 随着年龄增长,地心引力的牵引,眉毛眼角嘴角下垂了,脸部的线条变得模糊了,各类皱纹像爬山虎一样满脸爬了……60岁,在大家心目中是什么概念?满脸沧桑的老太婆?但是,当你看到刚满60
↑图:Christie Brinkley makes her Broadway debut in
↑图:Christie Brinkley Has Barely Aged a Day and S
↑图:60岁金发超模Christie Brinkley:揭秘身材保养秘
↑图:Christie Brinkley seeks comfort in ex Billy Joel a
↑图:Christie Brinkley, 59, and Brooke Shields, 48 a
↑图:Christie Brinkley Covers Social Life Magazine,
↑图:Christie Brinkley slams ex-husband - Celebrity
↑图:They could be sisters! Christie Brinkley, 59, pos
↑图:Not even gorgeous Christie Brinkley could sex
↑图:Christie Brinkley, 59, looks incredible in floral m
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