
火星移民计划报名 双语:荷兰火星一号移民计划报名火热

2015年5月25日 19:45:16   阅读(726)

450余中国人报名参加火星移民计划 火星移民计划开启



寒〃雪:这计划人类首次吧,失败率估计是超高的。没准还没到火星就挂了,不怕死的可以上。就算到了 没有强大的内心真会疯的 在那一个封闭式环境 谁受的了


Ly丶天空:国家//@名字不真好起啊: 你玛,刚结婚就走,老婆归谁?

ODYSSEY-JS:没有博士学位你办的了名吗//@bardbao: 一群幼稚的逗比,碰到点天灾就吓尿了,派个囚犯去都比这些人有求生意志

风飞雪020:哪来那么多水,水不是无限的 //@wgq5540:供氧其实不难,通过建立大面积的太阳能电池组获得能源,通过电解水获得氧气,再加上无土栽培技术建立氧气循环体系和食物供给//@我很不壕 :能告诉我供氧问题如何解决吗?氧气如何解决?食物解决也是问题,不可能地球来回运吧,就是炒作

风飞雪020:移民到火星污染更加厉害,火星气体是带毒的 //@AGUL441442099:地球被污染了要远离地球




土豆用户_416979004:火星空气土壤没毒么 空气适合呼吸么? 这是第一问题 还有食物肉这么来的?



An ambitious project to establish a human colony on Mars has attracted applications from tens of thousands of would-be astronauts, just two weeks after applications opened。


The mission, a private venture by the Dutch non-profit organization Mars One, aims to send a crew to the Red Planet in 2022 – and, due to the physiological change in the human body after a stay on Mars, there’d be no coming back. That hasn’t deterred people, though: so far, over 200,000 people have applied to become one of Mars’ first immigrants. “This is turning out to be the most desired job in history,” says Bas Lansdorp, co-founder of Mars One。


Day-to-day life on Mars will be no picnic: The organization says that the daily routine on the planet would involve construction work on the colony (installing greenhouses, for example), maintenance of the settlement’s systems and research into Mars’ climate and geological history–all in an inhospitable environment with unbreathable air and an average temperature in the planet’s mid-latitudes of around -58 degrees Farenheit。



But Mars One says it is not looking for applicants with specific skills, such as a science degree, that might be useful during an interplanetary posting. Instead, they are looking for people who “have a deep sense of purpose, willingness to build and maintain healthy relationships, the capacity for self-reflection and ability to trust。” They also want volunteers who are “resilient, adaptable, curious, creative and resourceful。” Candidates will receive a minimum of eight years training before leaving Earth, the company says。


Candidates hailing from over 120 countries (although the vast majority are from the U.S。) uploaded a video to Mars One’s website explaining why they’re suitable for the mission. Kyle, a 21-year-old grocery store clerk from the U.S., says he wants to be “an explorer and pioneer at the forefront of history。” Steven, a 43-year-old American who works in electronics, has even higher hopes for the mission: “I would like to go to Mars… to discover new life,” he says。


In addition to people skills, successful applicants must be good fundraisers too: Mars One plans to raise much of the mission’s $6 billion estimated cost through a reality TV show following the applicants as they undergo preparations for the one-way trip to Mars。








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