少女时代早年丑照被公开 网友:简直不忍直视
导读:7月28日,少女时代出演真人秀《Channel少女时代》, 她们勇敢的公开自己的黑历史丑照,引来了观众的阵阵笑声。
Girls’ Generation Sunny, YoonA, Yuri, and Seohyun weren’t afraid to ruin their usual pristine images in past embarrassing photos that made viewers question whether it was really them.
少女时代成员Sunny, YoonA, Yuri, and Seohyun 不怕污损自己往日美好形象,曝光了早日尴尬照片,网友质疑是不是真的。
On the July 28 broadcast of ’Channel Girls’ Generation’, the members bravely let go and drew laughter from the viewers with hilariously embarrassing pictures. We have seen Girls’ Generation various modes of chic, class, and poise, but through their new reality show, we got to see a whole new side to them and realize that hey, they’re just like us!
7月28日,少女时代出演真人秀《Channel少女时代》, 她们勇敢的公开自己的黑历史丑照,引来了观众的阵阵笑声。我们心中有少女时代无数的形象,她们优雅,古典,稳重。但是通过这个真人秀节目,我们认识了少女时代全新的另一面,她们原来和我们自己差不多啊!
It’s apparent that the girls also have their fair share of gawky, awkward photos that they would rather burn than have anyone chance upon them.
↑图:少女时代丑照公开 成员整容前后对比惊人 左右
↑图:少女时代丑照公开 网友:不整容根本没法看
↑图:少女时代丑照公开 明星自黑丑照都绝了(组图)-
↑图:少女时代丑照公开 明星自黑丑照都绝了(组图)-
↑图:少女时代丑照公开 明星自黑丑照都绝了(组图)-
↑图:少女时代丑照公开 明星自黑丑照都绝了(组图)-
↑图:少女时代丑照公开 明星自黑丑照都绝了(组图)-
↑图:少女时代丑照公开 明星自黑丑照都绝了(组图)-
↑图:少女时代丑照公开 明星自黑丑照都绝了(组图)-
↑图:少女时代丑照公开 明星自黑丑照都绝了(组图)-